VTB News (Kazakhstan)

27 august 2013

VTB Bank (Kazakhstan) ran Online-banking for juridical entities

VTB Bank (Kazakhstan) informs of launch of new program – Internet-banking for juridical entities of “VTB Online-banking”.

VTB Online-banking is an innovative decision of VTB Bank (Kazakhstan) on remote banking service of juridical entities and individual entrepreneurs, including international companies.

VTB Online-banking is a protected web-supplement that provides unique opportunity for the clients to use the wide range of electronic bank services by means of remote access to their accounts in safe mode with the aid of personal computer, which has an access to Internet without necessity of bank visit.

In order to receive opportunities of work in Internet-Banking system, it is necessary to carry out following primary actions:
1) To become a client of Bank by means of opening of current account;
2) To have personal computer/notebook, which has an access to Internet;
3) To fill and give Bank all the necessary documents;
4) To receive E-Token with PIN-code (individual envelope with non-personified password of primary input in Internet-Banking system);
5) To attend page of Internet-Banking system in Internet by following address: https://ibank.vtb-bank.kz.

All the information about VTB Online-banking system is available on our website: http://www.vtb-bank.kz/online_banking/ .

Advantages of system:

Mobility: the infinite access to “VTB Online-banking” system at the opportunity of connection to Internet;

Flexibility: client has no necessity in preliminary installation of software. System availability – 24 hours a day, 7 days in a week;

Safety: provision of maximal protection and confidentiality of data from the moment of system log-in or log-out, SSL – protocol technology with 128/256 – bit encryption key is applied. Along with it, authentication process of user in system, and also confirmation method of operation is implemented by means of device, named E-Token.

Economy of time and means: lack of necessity of Bank branches visit, that is significantly accelerate process of processing of your payment orders. Usage of electronic bank system allows to economize money on commissions for processing of payments and transfers.

Help: employees of VTB Bank (Kazakhstan) implement resounding support of client. You may familiarize with “User guide” and download it on official site of Bank.