VTB News (Kazakhstan)

4 june 2021

Notice to an individual customer, who concluded a bank account and (or) bank deposit agreement


1. Hereby Subsidiary JSC VTB Bank (Kazakhstan) (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) informs you of its participation in the system of mandatory deposit insurance, for the certification of which the Bank was issued a certificate dated June 18, 2009, No. 040.

2. According to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Mandatory Guaranteeing of Deposits Placed with the Second-Tier Banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan", (hereinafter referred to as the Law) your deposit[1] is the object of mandatory guaranteeing of deposits.

If the Bank is deprived of its license to carry out all banking transactions, the Kazakhstan Deposit Insurance Fund JSC (hereinafter referred to as the KDIF) will start to pay the guarantee indemnity for your deposit within 35 working days from the date of deprivation of the Bank's license to carry out all banking transactions. Such payment will be made within the maximum amount of guarantee indemnity prescribed by the Law.

A notice from the KDIF on the beginning and the procedure for payment of the indemnity, as well as on the agent banks paying the guarantee indemnity, the period and places of payment will be published in the mass media, as well as posted on the website of the KDIF: www.kdif.kz.

3. To receive a guarantee indemnity, you will need to submit an application within one year from the date of the beginning of payment of guarantee indemnity to:

KDIF in electronic form through the KDIF electronic payment portal or the "e-government" web portal, or

Agent bank selected from the list of agent banks on paper.

Payment of the guarantee indemnity is carried out within 5 working days from the date of the submission of your application for the payment of the guarantee indemnity with the supporting documents. You can find the forms of applications for the payment of the indemnity and the list of supporting documents on the KDIF Internet resource: www.kdif.kz.

4. Notice from the KDIF of the date of completion of the guarantee indemnity payment will be published 30 business days before the expiration of the payment period in the mass media and on the KDIF's website, as well as, at the KDIF's discretion, by additional means of providing information.

5. If within one year from the date of the beginning of payment you do not apply for the guaranteed indemnity in the prescribed manner, this circumstance will be recognized as your consent to transfer of the unclaimed amount of the guaranteed indemnity by KDIF to your individual pension account for accounting voluntary pension contributions, opened in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the pension provision.

6. If you miss the period for payment of the guarantee indemnity, you will be able to submit a written application to KDIF for payment of the guarantee indemnity, and KDIF will be able to pay you the amount of the guarantee indemnity if there are valid reasons for such missing as stipulated by the Law. Such application may be submitted before the final liquidation of the bank or before you become entitled to pension payments at the expense of voluntary pension contributions according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Pension Provision in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

[1] bank account certified by a bank account and (or) bank deposit agreement