
Designated purpose Loan currency Loan amount Loan period  Rate Collateral
  • Replenishment of working capital;
  • Financing of operating expenses related to financial and economic activities of the Client;
  • Acquisition and modernization of fixed assets for commercial purposes;
  • Capital expenditures in long-term assets;
  • Repair, reconstruction, construction of fixed assets;
  • Development of new lines of business and expansion of business (including acquisition of a participatory interest in the authorized capital);
  • Refinancing of debts issued for the above purposes.
  • KZT
  • RUB

  • Minimum amount - 1 000 000 KZT (equivalent in RUB as of the date of making a decision);
  • Maximum amount - no more than:
  • 100 000 000 RUB (the equivalent in KZT as of the date of making a decision) - for a period not exceeding 60 months;
  • 50 000 000 RUB (equivalent in KZT as of the date of making a decision) - for a period not exceeding 84 months.

Minimum period: 3 months.
Maximum period:
  • Up to 84 months - when the maximum amount is up to 50 000 000 RUB (equivalent in KZT as of the date of making decisions);
  • Up to 60 months - with maximum amount up to 100 000 000 RUB (equivalent in KZT as of the date of making decisions)..
Maximum term for replenishment of working capital:
  • Up to 36 months (in KZT)
  • Up to 12 months (in RUB)

Individually at the discretion of the Bank's GB.
  • Immovable property (including land plots),
  • Movable property (motor vehicles, special vehicles, equipment, goods/stock in trade, etc.);
  • Money;
  • Other, in accordance with the internal regulatory documents governing the Bank's pledge policy.

Contact person Bolat Askarov Small Business Director mob. n:+7 708 147 96 60 ext. n.: 330 43 04