Damu - Optima

Guarantee type Guarantee for operating entrepreneurs
Guarantee amount not more than 50% of the loan amount
Loan purpose 1). Investments
2). Replenishment of floating assets
3). Refinancing of current liabilities
Maximum amount of loan not more than 180,000,000 tenge,
Guarantee period not more than the term of loan
Industry / Restrictions Loans are not subject to guaranteeing:
1). Those which meet the terms of the state guarantee programs implemented by the Fund;
2). Those aimed at financing of financial and insurance activity (64- 66 - Financial and insurance activity);
Borrower's own participation in the project not less than 20% of the total cost of the project.
Any property involved in the project is considered to be its own participation.
Availability of funds pledge as collateral is considered to be own participation in the project.
Pledged collateral 1). Not less than 50% of collateral value of the loan amount
2). Entrepreneur shall be is obliged to provide all movable and / or real property acquired at the expense of the Bank's loan issued for investment purposes as an additional collateral in the terms provided for by the Bank.
Commission fee 1). 2.5% of the amount of the issued guarantee until signing of the Guarantee Agreement,
2). 2.5% annually of balance amount of the guarantee issued
Special conditions In case of repayment / partial repayment of the principal debt under the Credit, the amount of the guarantee is reduced by the amount equal to the principal repayment amount multiplied by the amount of participation, unless otherwise specified in the Guarantee Agreement.

Guarantee type Guarantee for beginning entrepreneurs
Guarantee exposure not more than 85% of the loan amount
Loan purpose 1). Investments
2). Replenishment of floating assets
3). Refinancing of current liabilities
Maximum amount of the loan not more than 30,000,000 tenge.
Guarantee length not more than the term of the loan
Industry / Restrictions Credits are not subject to guaranteeing:
1). Those which meet the terms of the state guarantee programs implemented by the Fund;
2). Those aimed at financing of financial and insurance activity (64- 66 - Financial and insurance activity);
3) Those which received state support in the form of a guarantee instrument within the framework of state programs implemented by DAMU Entrepreneurship Fund JSC
Pledged collateral 1). Not less than 15% of collateral value of the loan amount
2). Entrepreneur shall be obliged to provide all movable and / or real property acquired at the expense of the Bank's loan issued for investment purposes as an additional collateral in the terms provided for by the Bank.
Commission fee 1). 2.5% of the amount of issued guarantee until the signing of the Guarantee Agreement,
2). 2.5% annually of balance amount of the guarantee issued
Special conditions In case of repayment / partial repayment of the principal debt under the Loan, the amount of guarantee is reduced by the amount equal to the principal repayment amount multiplied by the amount of participation, unless otherwise specified in the Guarantee Agreement.