Financial results of the VTB Bank (Kazakhstan) for quarter II of 2017


As of July 1, 2017 the net income of the VTB Bank (Kazakhstan) amounted to 275 million tenge. The assets of the Bank amounted to 155.6 billion tenge, of which 41% or 64 billion tenge are loans provided to the customers. The liabilities of the Bank amounted to 140.9 billion tenge, of which 61% or 86.3 billion tenge are bank accounts and the customers’ deposits. The authorized capital of the Bank has not changed and is equal to 27.3 billion tenge. Net interest income before the reserve formation for the second quarter amounted to 2.1 billion tenge and is 1.5 times bigger than this figure for the same period of the last year.

- Since the beginning of the year, the VTB Bank (Kazakhstan) demonstrates a strong dynamics of profit growth. This is the result of implementation of the new three-year development strategy, which involves the use of new approaches to doing business and improving its profitability. Today, according to the S & P Global Ratings the VTB (Kazakhstan) has the highest credit rating among all the second-tier banks in Kazakhstan, - says the Chairperson of the Management Board of the VTB Bank (Kazakhstan) Dmitry Zabello, - We launch the updated products to the market, with attractive terms and conditions for the customers and expand the boundaries of cooperation with the partners and state structures.

In accordance with the development strategy the VTB Bank (Kazakhstan) in the next three years will continue its harmonious development as a universal bank, keeping the balance of business lines between major investment business - 20%, medium-sized businesses - 40% and retail business - 40%. One of the key directions of activation of VTB business in Kazakhstan will be support of small and medium-sized businesses. Emphasis is also placed on working with large-scale investment business. The updated team of the Bank managers works actively to implement the Group’s best practices for the Bank customers.  

Subsidiary VTB Bank JSC (Kazakhstan) is a member of VTB international financial group. The Bank has successfully worked more than 8 years in the financial market of Kazakhstan. To date, Subsidiary VTB Bank JSC (Kazakhstan) has a branch network, consisting of 40 structural subdivisions, 17 of which are branches. The Bank's Central Office is located in Almaty. The license of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan No.1.2.14/39 dated December 23, 2014.

For additional comments you can always contact the press-service:

Arina Pirogova

Subsidiary VTB Bank JSC (Kazakhstan)

Tel: 8 (727) 330 59 20 int. 59 20



Facebook: BankVtbKazahstan

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