Uncovered Letter of Credit

Amount Period* Currency Collateral
  • Not more than 75 000 000 RUB (equivalent in KZT as of the date of making a decision), for a period not exceeding 84 months;
  • Not more than 150 000 000 RUB (equivalent in KZT at the date of making a decision), for a period not exceeding 60 months.

  • Up to 84 months - when the amount does not exceed 75 000 000 RUB (equivalent in KZT at the date of making a decision);
  • Up to 60 months - when the amount does not exceed 150 000 000 RUB (equivalent in KZT at the date of making a decision).  
  • In favor of a resident -  KZT;
  • In favor of non-residents -   KZT/  RUB.

  • Immovable property 
  • movable property
  • money, in the amount of less than 100%,
  • deposit
  • other

*The validity period of the letter of credit is set depending on the requirements of the Client and the terms of the agreement/contract concluded between the Client and his partner.

Telephones of reference service of Subsidiary JSC VTB Bank (Kazakhstan):+7(727)330-50-50, 5050 – free of charge from a mobile phone.