Deposit Subsoil user

Currently, the terms of the product are updated in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If necessary, the deposit can be opened on individual terms in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in compliance with the internal requirements of the Bank.

Basic parameters Conditions
Customer segment for which the deposit is offered Legal entities, Individual Entrepreneurs 
Deposit Type (according to the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan) Conditional
Term of deposit Indefinite
Currency of transactions KZT/RUB
Payment of remuneration Monthly 
Minimum deposit amount On the part of the Bank - no restrictions
Maximum deposit amount On the part of the Bank - no restrictions
Interest rate Set individually.
For individual entrepreneurs the interest rate shall not exceed the limits of interest rates set by KDIF.
Additional contributions Allowed with written notice to the Bank and consent of the State Authority 
Partial withdrawal Allowed with written notice to the Bank and consent of the State Authority
The return of a part of the deposit shall be made not later than seven calendar days from the moment of receipt of the depositor's request;
Capitalisation of interest Not envisaged
Terms and conditions of early termination of bank deposit When the Depositor performs its obligations to the State Authority - on the grounds of a written application from the subsoil user in the form of the Bank and with the consent of the State Authority
    In the case of foreclosure by the State Authority - at the first written request of the State Authority 
    The deposit shall be returned not later than seven calendar days from the date of receipt of the depositor's    request.
For individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities:

The Deposit is subject to a mandatory deposit guarantee according to Article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Mandatory Deposit Guarantee". The maximum (limit) amount of guarantee for Deposit is the amount of guarantee indemnity based on the savings account balance, which is the maximum (limit) amount of guarantee (guarantee indemnity) prescribed by Article 18 of the Law of the RK "On Mandatory Guarantee of Deposits Placed with Bank, as of the date of revocation of the Bank's license to carry out all banking operations. If the Depositor has several different types of guaranteed deposits with the Bank, "Kazakhstan Deposit Insurance Fund" JSC shall pay the aggregate guarantee indemnity for them within the maximum amount of guarantee indemnity prescribed for each type of deposit separately, but not more than twenty million KZT.

For consultation and in case of any questions, you should visit the Bank's branches or contact your Customer Manager.

Call-center telephone numbers of Subsidiary JSC VTB Bank (Kazakhstan): +7(727)330- 50-50, 5050 – toll-free call from mobile phone".